So many things

Not too long ago, I finished an introduction course to a programming language called Ruby. I made a bunch of cool applications, all of which can only be used on my computer. I haven’t posted in a while because there wasn’t really anything I could post. If you were here, you could see…

A hangman game with tens of thousands of answers. A numerology calculator that takes your birthdate, gives you your number and your “horoscope”. A recipe suggester for when you want to try something new. A bingo card generator. A very simple chatbot, and many other little projects to learn programming in Ruby.

To get these projects on the web, I need to learn Rails. It’s what they call Ruby on Rails. What’s crazy, is that the Rails course was gone from the curriculum when I finished the Ruby course. Apparently it’s not as in demand as it used to be 6 months ago, so they took it off the program! The instructors did give me access to the classes, so I can take them if I want, which I probably will eventually.

So, with some possible website clients in the near future, I decided to do an advanced CSS course, which is all about styling responsive websites. I have some pretty sites to share that demonstrate some cool ways to layout sites for different screen sizes. If you look at them on a desktop, and shrink the screen, you can see how the layout changes.

Check em out! Which one do you like?


  1. Mom11/20/2020 | Reply

    i like the Hometown News best - great topics, pics, layout, text...very nice. fun to read and made sense. Tulip town very beautiful. my numerology chart preeeez? 6/22/1955 at 7:56 pm Wednesday

    • Ian McDavid11/21/2020 | Reply

      Number 3 Number Three is a sociable, friendly, and outgoing vibration. Kind, positive, and optimistic, Three's enjoy life and have a good sense of humor. Ruled by Jupiter.

  2. Mom11/20/2020 | Reply

    i like the Hometown News best - great topics, pics, layout, text...very nice. fun to read and made sense. Tulip town very beautiful. my numerology chart preeeez? 6/22/1955 at 7:56 pm.

  3. Hearher11/20/2020 | Reply

    I think it looks the tulips

  4. RICHARD11/20/2020 | Reply

    That's on my phone.

  5. Da11/20/2020 | Reply

    That's on my phone.

  6. Da11/20/2020 | Reply

    The first section in home town "local hero" title doesn't fit. Otherwise looks great.

    • Ian McDavid11/20/2020 | Reply

      That's strange... what device are you on?

      • Da11/20/2020 | Reply

        Samsung s8 android 9

  7. Da11/20/2020 | Reply

    Can you do a numerology chart for me? 9/30/53 5:30 am Wednesday.

    • Ian McDavid11/20/2020 | Reply

      Number 2 This is the mediator and peace-lover. The number two indicates the desire for harmony. It is a gentle, considerate, and sensitive vibration. Ruled by the Moon.

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